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"Ahh. Huldermori...Home. For all those
of you out there who don't speak Ancient
Elven, Huldermori means 'The Hidden Way."

 - Kaloran of Huldermori



Set up in 378AC, as a place for all the humanoid and demihuman races to co-exist, the hidden underground complex houses literally thousands of people. Once the ancestral home of the Lucanesti elves, they abandoned it when the chose not to fight in the First Dragon War.

Expanding from beneath the mountains surrounding the city of Daltigoth, spreading south, following the Mountains of Ergoth to the Green Gate portal, a mystical site revered by the Kagonesti elves. The city's main entrance and egress can be found far to the west of Daltigoth where the foothils of Castle Eastwatch meet the towering Ergoth Mounatin range surrounding the fabled Foghaven Vale.

When the Lucanesti elves were discovered to have hidden themselves in the ruins of Xak Khalen. Kaloran championed thier cause to the other elven peoples, who tenuously welcomed the Lucanesti back amongst them. The Qualinesti and Silvanesti were horrifed at the torture the Lucanesti had endured at the hands of the Illithids that enslaved the Rockseer elves. Details of this can be found in the Xak Khalen section.

The city is completely self-sufficient and self-governing. One of the strictest laws to be found within the city is that "no fighting between residents is to occur". The Lord of Huldermori, Kaloran, is aware of the fact that some people just can't get along, but the rule was laid down because all differences are to be settled peacefully, through negotiation. Anyone violating this rule is immediately expelled from the city. The Lucanesti elves that returned to Huldermori witrh Kaloran constantly patrol the entrances and exits from the city using thier stone shaping abilities. In fact entry or exit to the core of the city is almost impossible without the magical ability of the Rockseer elves. The elves have shaped the entry points to the city into solid walls of rock tens of feet thick, and the twisting and snaking caverns and chambers that lead to the city outskirts are constantly shaped and twisted by the Lucaensti mages to direct intruders back into the mounatins of Ergoth.

All of the races tend to separate themselves, preferring to remain with their own kind, but within the central city, all the races mix pleasantly. Each race was encouraged to form a council to govern their own affairs within their own areas, as well as provide officers to the city's peacekeeping force, so as no bias is possible. Members of the racial councils choose a delegate to seat on the primary city council, the Sinthal-Elias, upon which the Lord Kaloran usually resides.

Minor scuffles within the city aren't common, but are dealt with by the peacekeeping force, an organization which has a healthy cross-section of all the inhabitants of Huldermori, including the Gully Dwarves. Any serious transgressions are brought before the primary council on a weekly basis, where all the weeks' business is dealt with. These council sessions often last the whole day and on rare occasions the whole weekend.

The city, being self-sufficient, has pretty much all the basics covered. Areas have been set aside for farming and the raising of animals for food and supplies, all of which have a healthy amount of sunlight, due to the ingenious Dwarven sun-tunnels. These tunnels amplify the available sunlight, which filters down the tunnels that stretch up into the mountains above, allowing healthy and abundant crops to grow, as well as provide the ambient light source for the whole city. Metal and forged goods have a large area set aside just beyond the city limits so as to free the inhabitants from the noise and smell. When the forges first became operational, Kaloran feared that the smoke and steam from the workers equipment would prove easy to spot on the now brilliant white blanket that Southern Ergoth has become. New tunnels were built which contained filters invented by Gnomes, under strict and sometimes strained Dwarven supervision. The filters, which need regular changing, turned the dark forge smoke pale, barely distinguishable from steam, the tunnels channelled the steam-smoke up into the area surrounding Foghaven Vale. The smoke is barely distinguishable from the fog that gives the Vale its name, and little if any suspicion is aroused.

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